Devil's Arcade | Update 1.1.1 Released

Update 1.1.1 Released

Available content doubled!

Remember when I said that if there will be updates to Devil's Arcade, they will certainly not be big ones? I guess that didn't last long...

Yes, what's written in the title is true! 4 more game modes were added to the existing 4, making this version double the game it was before!

There are also a ton of other changes in this version, a changelog will be released shortly after this post.

The most significant change to game is the introduction of the pack-system, all game modes are now split into packs of 4, which means that adding further game modes has now become really easy for me, as I can just release them in packs!

Despite this fact, this update will be the last major one for a while, because I want to focus on some other game development projects for now.

Bug fixes, patches, etc... will still be released regularly if neccessary!

I hope you enjoy this new version of Devil's Arcade!

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